Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011


Nama : Fachmy Syahtiadi
Kelas : 3 EB 04
Npm : 20208467


For all the people in this world English is the language that must be used to communicate with others, and an age of globalization at the present time is very important for everyone in this world to be able to master the English language, because without a good mastery of English language a country is not going forward, and in addition the stat will not be advanced at this point English is the internasional language used throughout the world which used to interact and communicate with people who come from countries. With English course also to unify the differences language off communication that exist in very country.
Indeed, all depends on the intentions of each per person. There is consequently every science we are studying. In other words, there should be a charity for each of science and knowledge. In English linguistics, would be more useful if using English a tool to find good, whether it’s in the world or the hereafter. And not merely seeaking pleasure or enjoyment of life. It’s important to remember the language understood only limited tools and equipment that only works well if used properly, and works poorly when used with the bad ass well. Thus the age of the current era of globalisasi on how very important it is for all people in this world to be, understand, and comprehend English well.

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